Thursday, October 11, 2007

Aspergillus Mold

Aspergillus is a genus of mold that can be found indoors. Some species of this genus can be detrimental to human beings and pets and have the ability to cause Aspergillosis.

Aspergillosis is the name of a variety of different diseases that are caused by Aspergillus molds. Those who have weak immune systems, such as infants and the elderly, and those who have compromised immune systems, such as people with HIV, AIDs, or other diseases that weaken the body are particularly at risk to develop one of many forms of Aspergillosis.

The symptoms of Aspergillosis can include cough, chest pain or trouble breathing, and fever. Typically only people with immune systems that are already weak or who already suffer from other kinds of lung diseases are in danger of developing the disease. Major forms of the disease that occur in human beings are allergic aspergillosis, which affects cystic fibrosis, asthma, and sinusitis patients, acute invasive aspergillosis, and disseminated invasive aspergillosis. The most common species of Aspergillus molds that cause diseases in humans and animals are Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillus flavus.

Something named after the Aspergillus genus is an aspergilloma, which is also called a mycetoma or a fungus ball. This is a collection of fungus which exists in a cavity in a person or animal’s body such as the lungs and Aspergillus is the culptrit of most of these infections. Most people who have aspergillomas don’t have any symptoms that are related to the fungus growing inside them and so people often live for decades without knowing about their infection. The most common symptom of having aspergillomas is the coughing up of blood or hemoptysis; this blood loss is usually not consequential, merely a sign that aspergillomas could exist in the body.

These diseases not only occur in humans, but also in plants and animals. Wasted grain with aspergillus mold colonies growing on it and feed lots in the area around Burley, Idaho is suspected to have caused the death of over 2,000 mallard ducks. Moldy grain was also the cause of death in about 500 mallards in 2005 in Iowa.

While some Aspergillus molds can be harmful to human beings, other molds from this genus are used commercially, particularly in Japan where beverages such as sake are fermented using Aspergillus oryzae. Aspergillus niger is also used as a major source of citric acid and it accounts for over 99% of the globe’s citric acid production and this is total to more than 4.5 million metric tons a year.

Jim Corkern is a writer and promoter of quality
mold removal in Atlanta Georgia and
Water Damage Restoration companies.